Welcome to Alba Flash News! The idea of this blog is to comment on relevant and interesting celebrity news & events, fun & entertainment, unique stories and more, in a concise and simple format without gimmicks. We bring you the latest news titles on albanian gossip and showbiz in a flash style. The blog supports english and albanian language. Enjoy!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Rita Ora, invades New York for DKNY

Rita Ora, nje "bad bitch" i DKNY
Massive billboard on streets of New York with Rita for DKNY: "When I wear DKNY, I feel like a bad bitch"
street photo by: Eric McNeal
We have already lost the number of fashion houses for which Rita Ora has posed. Recently she comes to be image for the known fashion house "Donna Karan New York" or better known by the acronym of DKNY , for collection "Spring 2014". In July, she was seen doing a photoshoot on the streets of New York, with fashion photographer Lachlan Bailey and often commented on the pictures where she's shining above a traditional city "Taxi" cab. Photos officially were made public in October and Rita has been active during the launching campaign where she even sang for DKNY in an "after party". It is worth mentioning that Rita has replaced the so-called "wifey" of hers, Cara Delevigne, who has posed for this house last season.
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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Anxhelina, a sexy "lady in black"

Anxhelina Hadergjonaj, lekure mbi lekure
Beautiful singer Anxhelina Hadergjonaj, has decided to return to scene after two years break. She is in love "head to toe" with footballer Fatmir Hysenbelliu and according to photos that she posts time to time, its clear that she is enjoying this love to the maximum, perhaps one of the reasons why she was absent for so long. However, she now requires attention again and in her last posted picture, she is presented as a sexy "lady in black", with a provocative leather outfit that reveals her graces. Not long ago she announced that she is working on her new project with producer Arber Gjikolli known as Bing Bang Beats that soon will be presented to the public, hopefully with a music video.
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Nora Istrefi, in her element

Nora Istrefi by Sharr Rezniqi
Seems like curly hair is back in fashion. After Elvana, Nora Istrefi too has decided to become one, a curly-hair girl. In fact, being curly more or less is her original look and as if the singer is back to her strong element. She looks provocative, sexy and confident in this photo, belly out, leather down and shirt open top and trendy glasses with color combination on top of a motorcycle. It was discussed that she will challenge herself in "Dancing" but as if this business has now been forgotten. While there is talk that she will participate in "Magic Song" this year with a song done by the duo, Aida Baraku & Armend Rexhepagiqi. There is no doubt, the singer is in her element, with the look and career.
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Nora Istrefi, ne elementin e saj
Duket sikur kacurrelja po kthehet ne mode. Pas Elvanes edhe Nora Istrefi ka vendosur te behet nje e tille, nje kacurrelese. Ne fakt, kacurrelja eshte nje look pak a shume origjinal i saj dhe sikur kengetarja eshte kthyer ne elementin e saj me te forte. Ajo duket shume provokative, seksi dhe e sigurte ne kete foto, me barkun jashte, lekure poshte e kemishe te hapur larte dhe syze trendy me ngjyre te kombinuar, hipur siper nje motociklete. U fol se do sfidoj veten ne "Dancing" por sikur kjo pune tani u harrua. Ndersa po flitet se do te marre pjese tek "Kenga Magjike" sivjet me nje kenge te realizuar nga dyshja, Aida Baraku & Armend Rexhepagiqi. S'ka dyshim, kengetarja eshte ne elementin e saj, si ne look ashtu edhe ne karriere.

Rezarta becomes mother, Hera comes to life ...

Rezarta Shkurta just made it ​​known on her social network that she has been blessed with a beautiful girl:
"A beautiful petite blessed me today with the most beautiful word in the world "Mother". Thank you my princess to make me the happiest woman in the world, I hope never to dissapoint you!" She said.
Singer has received numerous compliments from her fans and friends, while we learn that the little princess named after Hera.
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Rezarta behen nene, vjen ne jete Hera...
Rezarta Shkurta sapo ka bere te njohur ne rrjetin e saj social se eshte bekuar me nje vajze te bukur:
"Nje vogelushe e bukur sot me bekoj me fjalen me te bukur ne bote "Nene". Faleminderit princesha ime qe me bere femren me te lumtur ne bote, uroj te te mos zhgenjej kurre!", ka thene ajo.
Kengetarja ka marre urime te shumta nga fansat dhe miqte e saj, ndersa mesojme se princesha e vogel quhet me emrin Hera.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Arbana Osmani on the cover of magazine "Living"

Arbana Osmani ne kopertinen e Revistes "Living"
Popular moderator, Arbana Osmani, is on the cover of the latest issue of the magazine " Living ". Inside the magazine, the moderator comes with an exclusive story on her passion for cuisine and distant journeys. If you haven't known yet , Arbana in fact is writing a book with recipes and she raised great interest with fans with recipes that she's posting on her social network . "I was not raised in the spirit that you must learn to cook, beause I will meet the mother in law... cousine is a passion which I discovered all by myself, quite casually," explained Arbana. Besides cooking, she has a passion with distant journeys, to discover new people and cultures, while she is also a great animal lover. For years, she and her husband Ardit, have chosen to visit Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela , but this year even Africa. Back here in the country, we will see Arbana this year in the sunday's spectacle "E Diell", together with Ledion Lico and Xhemi Shehu.
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Arbana Osmani ne kopertinen e Revistes "Living"
Moderatorja e njohur, Arbana Osmani, mbulon kopertinen e numrit te fundit te Revistes "Living". Ne brendesi te revistes, moderatorja vjen me nje rrefim ekskluziv mbi pasionet e saj per kuzhinen dhe udhetimet e largeta. Ne qofte se nuk e keni te njohur, Albana ne te vertete eshte duke shkruar edhe nje liber me receta gatimi dhe ka zgjuar interesim te madh tek fansat me recetat qe ajo poston ne rrjetin e saj social. "Nuk jam rritur me frymen se duhet te mesoj te gatuaj, se do shkoj te vjehrra... kuzhina eshte nje pasion te cilin e zbulova vete, krejt rastesisht", ka shpjeguar Albana. Pervec gatimit, ajo ka pasion edhe udhetimet e largeta, per te zbuluar njerez dhe kultura te reja, ndersa eshte edhe adhuruese e madhe e kafsheve. Per vite me radhe, ajo dhe bashkeshorti i saj Arditi, kane zgjedhur te vizitojne Azine, Tajlanden, Malajzine, Venezuelen, por kete vit edhe Afriken. Ndersa ketu ne vend, Arbanen do e shohim sivjet tek spektakli "E Diell" se bashku me Ledion Lico dhe Xhemi Shehu-n.

Nora Istrefi or Rihanna?

Nora Istrefi dhe Rihanna, te mbuluara ne Abu Dhabi
This time attractive singer, Nora Istrefi, has escaped from accusations for copying because she was the first one to post pictures covered in front of a religious monument in Abu Dhabi. "Thank God that you have posted photos before Rihanna, otherwise you would have been accused for copying" a fan wrote about the similar pictures of Rihanna and Nora Istrefi.
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Nora Istrefi apo Rihanna?

Kesaj radhe kengetarja atraktive, Nora Istrefi, i ka shpetuar akuzave per kopjim pasi ishte ajo e para qe kishte postuar fotot e mbuluar para nje monumenti fetar ne Abu Dhabi. "Shyqyr qe i ke postue fotot para Rihannes, se do te te akuzonin per kopjim", kishte shkruar nje fans nje lidhje me fotot e ngjajshme te Rihannes dhe Nora Istrefit.

Dua Lipa in love relationship with Ledri Vula

Dua Lipa me Ledrin ne Amsterdam
Dua Lipa, a new star in making, as she was presented on the cover of the magazine "Flatra", seems to have created a relationship with the "sexiest man" in Kosovo, singer and young director Ledri Vula. Latest photos she has posted on Instagram, during a holiday in Amsterdam, speak of intimacy in the midst of this charming couple. Dua is a young, 18 years old girl, born and raised in London, who is following the path of Rita Ora. Even educated in the same school as Rita, "Sylvia Young" in London. Deals with modeling and has a wonderful voice. Participates frequently in advertisements for various British firms, while recently she has been seen in a special role in video advertising of  England's X Factor, that we invite you to follow below.
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Dua Lipa ne lidhje dashurie me Ledri Vulen

Dua Lipa, nje yll i ri qe po lind, sic eshte prezantuar ne kopertinen e revistes "Flatra", duket se ka krijuar lidhje me "mashkullin me seksi" te Kosoves, kengetarin dhe regjisorin e ri Ledri Vula. Fotot e fundit qe ajo ka postuar ne Instagram, gjate nje pushimi ne Amsterdam, flasin per nje intimitet ne mes te ketij cifti simpatik. Dua eshte nje vajze e re 18 vjecare, e lindur dhe rritur ne Londer, qe po ndjek rrugen e Rita Ores. Madje eshte edukuar ne te njejten shkolle si Rita, "Sylvia Young" ne Londer. Merret me modelim dhe ka nje ze te mrekullueshem. Merr pjese shpeshe ne reklamat per firma te ndryshme angleze, ndersa se fundmi eshte pare ne nje rol te vecante ne videon publicitare te X Factor-it anglez, qe ju ftojme ta ndiqni me poshte.

Nje Yll dhe nje Cift i ri po lind

Sunday 20 October 2013

Jonida Maliqi "explodes" on Instagram

Jonida Maliqi, debati ne Instagram
Singer Jonida Maliqi is very active on her social network Instagram and constantly refreshes her space with beautiful pictures where she appears as a fashion icon, as we all believe she is. But we were surprised of her  reaction, to a commentator, as you can see in the image. "I wish to know besides you spending hundreds of money for clothing and think every day how to dress and do a photo for Instagram, do you know anything else to do?" came a provocative comment from a girl named Rina, but the answer from Jonida was even more explosive: "Let the dogs bark, the caravan moves ahead ... in this case you Rina are the dog". As she is also a mother, we didn't expect such reaction and that probably wasn't worth it at all, but it looks like the singer lost her nerve for a moment.
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Jonida Maliqi "shperthen" ne Instagram
Kengetarja Jonida Maliqi eshte mjaft aktive ne rrjetin e saj social Instagram dhe ne menyre te vazhdueshme e freskon kendin e vet me foto te bukura, ku ajo shfaqet si nje ikone mode, sic besojme edhe eshte. Por na habiti nje reagim i saj, ndaj nje komentuese, sic po e shihni edhe ne foto. "Do deshiroja te dija pervec qe hargjon qindra te holla per veshje dhe mendon cdo dite si te vishesh dhe te besh nje foto per Instagram, a din ndonje gje tjeter te besh?", kishte ardhur nje koment provokues nga nje vajze me emrin Rina, por pergjigja e Jonides ishte edhe me shperthyese: "Qente le te lehin, se karvani ecen perpara... Ne kete rast ti moj Rina je qeni". Meqenese eshte edhe mama, nuk e pritem nje reagim te tille e qe mesiguri nuk ia vlente fare, por duket sikur kengetarja humbi nervat per nje moment.

"The Boxer's daughter" involved in politics...

As it was announced in the recent news, R&B singer Monika Salihu seems to have permanently abandoned music career, since there has been now several years, since she has'nt brought anything new and now she is getting involved in politics. The singer is lined up with AAK party and she is a candidate for Municipal Assembly of Prishtina, as seen in the photo presentation in the election campaign. Otherwise, she is the daughter of the famous Kosovar boxer Aziz Salihu, and often called "The Boxer's daughter", same as the title of one of her songs.
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"Cika e Bokserit" merret me politike

Sic u paralajmerua para pak kohesh, RnB kengetarja Monika Salihu duket sikur ka braktisur pergjithmone karrieren muzikore, pasi ka disa vite qe nuk ka sjellur dicka te re dhe tani po merret me politike. Kengetarja eshte rreshtuar me partine AAK dhe eshte kandidate per Asamblene Komunale te Prishtines, sic shihet edhe nga fotoja prezantuese e fushates parazgjedhore. Perndryshe, ajo eshte vajza e boksierit te famshem kosovar, Aziz Salihu, dhe shpesh e quajne "Cika e Boksierit", ashtu si nje kenge e saj me te njejtin titull.

Monika Salihu - Wow

Old man in his chariot, conflicts with urban cars...

Plaku me karroce
Old Man in this picture, from some town in Kosovo seems to have had enough with blokes in cars that come too near to his horse carriage, that he's gone to the point to express anger with a mega board that writes: "Do not get near me. I too, wish to have a Mercedes as you". Of course, till all aspects of traffic are regulated by law, who, where and how is allowed to use public roads, there will always be conflicts like this.
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Plaku: Mos mu afroni ngat se jav q* robt...
Plaku ne foto, nga nje qytet ne Kosove, duket sikur eshte ngopur nga haverat me makina qe i afrohen teper karroces se tij me kuaj, saqe ka shkuar deri ne ate pike ta shprehi mllefin me nje mega tabele shkrimi qe lexon: "Mos mu afroni ngat. Edhe une kam qef me pas Mercedes sikur ju...". Natyrisht, derisa te rregullohet mire me ligj cdo aspekt i komunikacionit, kush, ku dhe si do i shfrytezojne rruget publike, do kete gjithmone konflikte te ketij lloji.

Olta Gixhari, crazy about Ardit Gjebrea...

In fact, she loves Ardit for the humor nature that he has: "He's all humor, the man that I love so much!", wrote Olta on Instagram, on a photo with wide open mouth while loughing. But she was not left behind without a reply: "How can I not be in good spirit when one has you near by?", Ardit replied back quickly, on the spot. It seems "love" is mutual and how cannot it be, since a sexy woman like her, makes you feel more than just humor. Otherwise, Olta will soon appear in an interesting role in a feature-length film by Fatmir Koci, where she falls in love with another woman. A "bad news" for all men that love her!
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Olta Gixhari, e cmendur pas Ardit Gjebrese...

Ne te vertete, ajo e do shume Arditin per humorin qe ka: "Eshte gjithe humor ky njeri qe e dua kaq shume", ka shkruar Olta ne Instagram, ne nje foto me gojen hapur duke qeshur. Por, ajo nuk mbeti dhe pa pergjigje: "Po si te mos jete ne humor te mire njeriu kur te ka ty prane?", ia kthen Arditi me te shpejte, po aty. Duket se "dashuria" eshte e dyanshme dhe s'ka si te mos jete, pasi nje femer seksi si ajo, te ben te ndjesh me shume se vetem humor. Perndryshe, Olta se shpejti do paraqitet ne nje rol interesant ne nje film me metrazh te gjate te Fatmir Kocit, ku ajo dashurohet ne nje femer tjeter. Nje "lajm i keq" per gjithe meshkujt qe e adhurojne ate.

Orinda Huta, enlarges her breasts?

Orinda me gjoks te zmadhuar?
Orinda Huta, who previously was known more as a singer with a sweet voice, but now a loving presenter with charm in Vision Plus, has enlarged breasts for two numbers, writes Panorama Plus. Although to fans she always looked perfect, she herself seems to have not been very happy, since this would be the second intervention in the body, after doing the nose. Her enlarged breasts flaring especially when showing in an open low-necked dress as image of digital platform "Tring" in a recent video advertising, that we invite you to follow below:
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Orinda Huta, zmadhon gjoksin?

Orinda Huta, qe me pare me shume njihej si kengetare me zerin e embel, por tash nje prezantuese e dashur dhe me sharm ne Vizion Plus, ka zmadhuar gjoksin per dy numra, shkruan Panorama Plus. Megjithese fansave i eshte dukur gjithmone perfekte, i bie qe ajo paska pasur disa komplekse, pasi ky do ishte intervenimi i dyte ne trup, pas berjes se hundes. Gjoksi i saj i zmadhuar bie ne sy sidomos ne paraqitjen e saj me nje dekolte te hapur si imazh i platformes digjitale "Tring" me nje video publicitare te fundit, qe ju ftojme ta ndiqni me poshte:

Elvana, provocative with curly hair

Elvana behet kacurrele te Sellma dhe Kaci
Not a long ago she changed her look, but the most "In" singer of the albanian scene, Elvana Gjata, seems to prefer to experiment all the time with her ​​appearance, being refreshed from time to time. This time she comes provocative and sexy with curly hair, for her next performance in front of fans. To achieve the purpose, she visited the beauty salon of Kaci & Sellma in Prishtina.
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Elvana, nje kacurrele provokuese

Nuk ka shume kohe qe ajo beri nje nderrim ne look-un e saj, por kengetarja me "In" e skenes shqiptare, Elvana Gjata, duket se preferon te eksperimentoj gjate gjithe kohes me pamjen e saj, duke e rifreskuar kohe pas kohe. Kesaj radhe ajo vjen si nje kacurrele provokuese dhe seksi, per nje performance te saj te radhes para fansave. Per te arritur qellimin, ajo ka vizituar sallonin e Sellmes dhe Kacit ne Prishtine.

PALOMA Magazine - 19th October 2013

Revista "Paloma" - 19 Tetor 2013
VIP headlines this week by magazine "Paloma" ( 19th October 2013 )

Shpat Kasapi admits: I'm back with Aferdita!
Eneda Tarifa: I'm happy with everything I have. Presenter has launched another successful season in "Portokalli"
Seldi Qalliu : I've got pissed by success
Rudina Deli, "temperature" to ignite public: My weapon is voice, not stripping !
Art Abazi: Celine Dion asked me to do a duet !
This time Rita Ora kisses on the lips with Kate Moss
Jonida Maliqi withdraws from "Dancing With The Stars"
Floriana Garo and Genti Bejko presenters of "Miss Globe 2013" in Durres
Marsela Cibukaj , undressing in October
Fjolla Morina, with Allah on her chest!
Vesa Luma: The only rule that I have never broken
Angelina Hadergjonaj, ready for the second video
Nertila Koka in black, loses husband
Rapper DMX, concert in Kosovo
Edi Rama, on diet with Blerina Bombaj's regime
By Niko Komani: Make up and dress like a blonde!
IN & OUT : Jonida Maliqi, Eneda Tarifa & Portokalli, Edi Oga ( IN );  Miss Albania in Russia, Ylli Demaj, Agron Llakaj & "Al Pazar" ( OUT )
On Scanner: Patriotism or sacrificial gone to waste?
Forever Alone: Leonora Jakupi, Albana Osmani, Marina Vjollca, Rosela Gjylbegu, Sheila Haxhiraj, Greta Koci
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