Welcome to Alba Flash News! The idea of this blog is to comment on relevant and interesting celebrity news & events, fun & entertainment, unique stories and more, in a concise and simple format without gimmicks. We bring you the latest news titles on albanian gossip and showbiz in a flash style. The blog supports english and albanian language. Enjoy!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Muscles of Albatrit Muciqi

Albatrit Muciqi ne paleste

Young singer, Albatrit Muciqi, has decided not only to be strong in music, but also in his body physics. His recent photos confirm that he is working intensely on building muscles, while some fans have advised that he's made alot of them already. He is expected tonight to promote his new music video "Qika qika". We'll wait and see how physical muscles will help in the success of the song.
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Muskujt e Albatrit Muciqit
Kengetari i ri, Albatrit Muciqi, ka vendosur jo vetem te jete i forte ne muzike, por edhe ne fiziken e tij. Fotot e fundit te tij konfirmojne se eshte duke punuar intenzivisht ne ndertimin e muskujve, gjersa disa fansa e keshillojne se ka bere mjaft sosh. Ai pritet sonte te promovoj klipin me te ri te tij "Qika qika". Presim te shohim se sa do te ndihmojne muskujt fizik ne suksesin e kenges. /Albaflashnews/

Jonida Maliqi, with 100 pairs of sunglasses ...

Jonida Maliqi provon syzet neon

Spring is on the verge and summer is coming, while Jonida Maliqi is getting ready by trying new neon sunglasses from Italoptik. A major dilemma for the singer, while fans think that in all of them she looks great, no matter the choice.
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Jonida Maliqi, me 100 pale syza dielli...
Pranvera eshte ne prag dhe vera po vjen, ndersa Jonida Maliqi po pergaditet duke provuar syzet me te reja neon te diellit nga firma Italoptik. Nje dileme e madhe per kengetaren, ndersa fansat mendojne se ne te gjitha ajo duket shume bukur, pa marre parasysh zgjedhjen.

Angela in bed, with Ledri's t-shirt?

Angela Martini ne krevat

Model Angela Martini has been photographed in bed, wearing a man's t-shirt. Naturally, since the hot images from recent music video are still fresh, fans have immediately commented that this could probably be Ledri's shirt. How right they are, of course, only Angela knows! Comment of the model herself on this photo posted on her wall, reads: "This is my favorit t-shirt!". Ledri's or not, at least we know that behind this camera, there is standing a very lucky man.
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Angela ne krevat, me majice te Ledrit?
Modelja Angela Martini eshte fotografuar ne krevat, e veshur me nje majice mashkulli. Natyrisht, derisa imazhet e videos se nxehte muzikore jane ende te fresketa, fansat menjehere e kane komentuar se kjo mund te jete mesiguri bluza e Ledrit. Sa e kane te drejte, natyrisht vetem Angela mund ta dij! Vete komenti i modeles ne kete foto te postuar ne murin e saj, lexon: "Kjo eshte bluza ime me e preferuar!". E Ledrit apo jo, te pakten dime se pas ketij foto aparati qendron nje mashkull shume fatlum. /Albaflashnews/

Rita Ora kisses a woman, again...

Rita Ora puthet me Ellie Goulding

It is not the first time that she's done it. It is about a world famous Albanian singer, Rita Ora, who seems to like playing with women by teasing and lip kissing. This time she was photographed doing it with the english singer and actress Ellie Goulding, with whom she met during Fashion Week in Milan, Italy. Rita has been recently commented for her new hair style and there is talk that she is working on a song in albanian. While the relationship with Calvin Harris is being consolidated further.
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Rita Ora, puthet serish me nje femer
Nuk eshte hera e pare qe e bene. Kjo eshte kengetarja shqiptare me fame boterore, Rita Ora, e cila duket sikur pelqen te bej loje me femra duke i ngacmuar dhe puthur ne buze. Kesaj radhe ajo eshte fotografuar duke e bere me kengetaren dhe aktoren angleze Ellie Goulding, me te cilen eshte takuar gjate javes se modes ne Milano te Italise. Rita se fundmi eshte komentuar per stilin e ri te flokeve dhe po flitet se eshte duke pergaditur nje kenge shqip. Ndersa dhe lidhja me Calvin Harris eshte consoliduar me tej.

Friday 21 February 2014

Anita Latifi, with a "sex tape" ...

Anita Latifi me "sex tape"

17 years old albanian, Anita Latifi, who appeared as a candidate in the spectacle "DSDS 2014" (Germany seeks a star), has emerged on the Internet with a "sex tape" that has caused controversy from many fans in various portals and forums. Anita in another video has made apology that this video has been made public but we don't know if this will have effect on her success in "DSDS". In addition to Anita, we learn that in this year's spectacle will also be two other Albanian candidates, Claudio Bella and Sadbere Mehmeti. For more info, see links below:
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Anita Latifi, me "sex tape"...
Shqiptarja 17 vjecare, Anita Latifi, e cila u shfaq si konkurrente ne spektaklin "DSDS 2014" (Gjermania kerkon nje yll), ka dalur ne internet me nje "sex tape" qe ka shkaktuar polemika te shumta nga fansat ne portale dhe forume te ndryshme. Anita permes nje videoje ka kerkuar falje qe kjo video eshte bere publike por nuk e dime nese kjo do te ndikoj ne suksesin e saj ne "DSDS". Pervec Anites, mesojme se ne kete spektakel sivjet do jene edhe dy shqiptare tjera, Claudio Bella dhe Sadbere Mehmeti.



Thursday 20 February 2014

Alberia's millions...

Alberia numeron bakshishin e majm te Pavaresise

We knew that our artists are paid a lot of money in concerts and get fat tips, but this has been best confirmed recently by singer Alberie Hadergjonaj, with a picture, now circulating in all portals and social networks, where she is seen counting millions after a concert in the U.S, for the occasion of sixth anniversary of Kosovo's Independence.
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Milionat e Alberies...
E kemi ditur se artistet e estrades paguhen shume neper koncerte dhe marrin bakshishe te majme, por kete me se miri e ka deshmuar se fundmi kengetarja Alberie Hadergjonaj, me nje foto, qe tashme po qarkullon neper portale e rrjete sociale, ku ajo shihet duke numeruar milionat pas nje koncerti ne SHBA me rastin e 6-vjetorit te Pavaresise se Kosoves.

Arben Islami, albanian refugee who became a British Marine

Arben Islami, refugjat, murator dhe marins anglez

As a 14-year-old Arben Islami, when he had first seen the British Marines, with green berets, in Kosovo in 1999, had made himself a promise one day to become part of them. Immediately after the war, made his way to England and after 14 years, at age 28, his dream came true. So write the british newspapers which quote Arben as saying: "I wanted to join up and give something back to the country that helped me so much" For more on this, read articles in English at the following links below:
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Arben Islami, refugjati shqiptar qe u be marins britanez
Si 14 vjecar, Arben Islami kur kishte pare per here te pare marinsat britanez, me bereta te gjelberta, ne Kosove ne vitin 1999, i kishte bere vetes premtimin qe nje dite te behet pjese e tyre. Menjehere pas lufte, rrugetoi deri ne Angli dhe pas 14 vitesh, ne moshen 28 vjecare, endrra e tij u realizua. Keshtu shkruajne gazetat britaneze qe citojne Arbenin te kete thene: "Kisha deshire t'i bashkohem ketyre trupave dhe te jap dicka mbrapa per vendin qe na ndihmoi aq shume". Per me shume lexoni artikujt anglez ne linqet e meposhtme:

[mirror] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/arben-islami-balkan-war-refugee-3159467
[dailymail] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562318/Former-refugee-fled-Kosovo-witnessing-arrival-Royal-Marines-achieves-boyhood-dream-joining-them.html

Morena Taraku on cover of magazine "Kosovarja"

Revista KOSOVARJA - Nr.2, Shkurt 2014

Charming beauty, who just debuted recently on the music market with her video "My Love", model Morena Taraku, has occupied the front page of the latest issue of the magazine "Kosovarja" with a bombastic statement "I've tried everything!", which probably makes us curious to read what is this really about. The newest edition of the magazine which comes out in the market this Friday, promises a new format and this number will include many albanian showbiz personalities such as: Nora Istrefi, Tuna, Liberta Spahiu, Agnesa Vuthaj, Shpat Kasapi, Adelina Emini, Mihrije Braha etc.
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Morena Taraku, ne kopertinen e revistes "Kosovarja"
Bukuroshja simpatike, e cila sapo debutoi ne skenen muzikore me klipin "My Love", modelja Morena Taraku, ka zene ballinen e numrit te fundit te revistes "Kosovarja" me nje deklarate bombastike "I kam provuar te gjitha!", qe mesiguri na ben kurioz ta lexojme se per cka ne te vertete eshte fjala. Edicioni me i ri i revistes i cili del kete te premte ne treg, premton nje format te ri dhe ne kete numer do perfshije shume personalitete te showbiz-it shqiptar si: Nora Istrefi, Tuna, Liberta Spahiu, Agensa Vuthaj, Shpat Kasapi, Adelina Emini, Mihrije Braha etj. /Albaflashnews/

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Nezir Islami, considered dead, found alive after 50 years on Facebook

Family Islami, thanks to Facebook and internet technology today, found Nezir Islami, a family member who was considered missing or dead for at least 50 years. He left his village Kacibeg in Kosovo, at age 17, said his two sisters, Akile and Sela, who at that time were one 15 and the other 13 years old. For four years he had been living in Slovenia and then after that all of his tracks were lost. But thanks to the internet, his nephew Mehdi Islami, found him on Facebook, safe and sound, after 50 years. Neziri, who now lives in France, has already forgotten the Albanian language and communication with the nephew is done in French and English. Neziri is expected to return to Kosovo for a visit, where the family is preparing a big party, while he himself, has not yet explained the reasons for his 50 years absence. For more, follow below the tv report by KTV:
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Nezir Islami, njeriu qe u ringjall pas 50 vitesh ne Facebook
Familja Islami, ia sheh hajrin Facebook-ut dhe teknologjise se internetit sot, pasi permes tij, gjejne anetarin e familjes, Nezir Islamin, qe konsiderohej i humbur ose i vdekur qe me se 50 vjet. Ai ishte larguar nga fshati i tij Kacibeg ne Kosove, ne moshen 17 vjecare, kane treguar dy motrat e tij, Akile dhe Sela, qe atekohe ishin njera 15 e tjetra 13 vjec. Per kater vite ai kishte jetuar ne Slloveni dhe me pas i kishte humbur gjurma. Por fale internetit, nipi i tij Mehdi Islami, e kishte gjetur ate ne Facebook, gjalle e shendosh, pas 50 vitesh. Neziri, qe tani jeton ne France, tashme kishte harruar gjuhen shqipe dhe komunikimi me te nga nipi eshte bere ne gjuhen frenge dhe angleze. Pritet qe Neziri te kthehet ne Kosove per vizite, ku familja eshte duke pergaditur nje aheng te madh, ndersa vet ai, ende nuk ka shpjeguar arsyet e zhdukjes se tij per me se 50 vjet. Ndiqni me poshte reportazhen nga televizioni KTV

Soni inseparable from her "Sony" laptop

Soni Malaj, princesha e showbiz-it shqiptar

Soni Malaj in this photo looks completely inside her laptop holding a similar name to hers, "Sony Vaio". We do not know if she is talking over the internet with her ​​loved ones, Mirko and Anna, since her commitment in "X Factor" have most likely moved her away a bit from her close family or perhaps she is currently updating her status on social networks. For St Valentin she posted a photo on Instagram alone, with a red dress that was deemed quite bold, as it revealed alot of her graces. While she was not absent either with a message congratulating the sixth anniversary of Kosovo's Independence.
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Soni e pandashme nga laptopi i saj "Sony"
Soni Malaj ne kete foto duket teresisht e zhytyr brenda laptopit qe mban nje emer te ngjashem si ajo, "Sony Vaio". Nuk e dime nese eshte duke biseduar permes internetit me me te dashurit e saj, Mirkon dhe Anen, pasi angazhimi ne "X Factor" ndoshta e ka larguar paksa nga familja e saj e ngushte apo eshte duke freskuar statusin e saj ne rrjetet sociale. Per Shen Valentin ajo postoi nje foto vetem ne Instagram, me nje fustan te kuq qe u cilesua mjaft i guximshem, pasi zbulonte shume nga hiret e saj. Ndersa nuk mungoi edhe me nje mesazh duke uruar 6-vjetorin e Pavaresise se Kosoves. /Albaflashnews/

Beauty Marina Vjollca, sensation in the British media

Marina Vjollca, ne portalin "Fansshare"

A rumor was spread in the foreign media regarding beauty Marina Vjollca, that she was the sexiest football physiotherapist in the world, since it was thought that she performs this duty as part of the Albanian national team. But the british known portal "Fansshare" explained that she actually is a model and a TV personality of a sports program. As, if it was true, explains the portal, Marina would probably be the busiest physio in the world, since every footballer of the team, would line up every day waiting in front of her door, to ask treatment, needing or not, only to meet with the beautiful blonde.
Read the full article below:
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Bukuroshja Marina Vjollca, senzacion ne mediat britanike
Ishte perhapur nje thashethem ne mediat e huaja ne lidhje me bukuroshen Marina Vjollca, si fizioterapeuten me seksi te futbollit ne bote, pasi ishte menduar se ajo ushtron kete detyre si pjese e kombetares shqiptare. Por portali i njohur anglez "Fansshare", ka shpjeguar se ajo ne te vertete eshte nje modele dhe personalitet televiziv ne nje emision sportiv. Sikur te ishte ajo e tille, shpjegon portali, mesiguri se Marina do ishte nje nder fizioterapeutet me te zena me pune ne bote, pasi cdo futbollist i ekipes, do priste ne rend cdo dite para deres se saj, per te kerkuar fiziotrajtimin, me nevoje apo pa nevoje, vetem sa per t'u takuar me bukuroshen bjonde. /Albaflashnews/

Lexoni artikullin e plote ketu:

Sunday 16 February 2014

Nora, super sexy with muslim veil

Nora Istrefi ne klipin "Na"

In the last video "Na" in collaboration with Skivi and Mimoza Shkodra, Nora Istrefi is shown quite provocative covered with scarf above, while below with the belly out. Maybe not a traditional Islamic clothing, if this was a goal, but no doubt, she looks super sexy with this veil. For a week, the video has reached more than half a million clicks on Youtube. Otherwise, it looks like this Saint Valentin found her apart from fiance Robert, perhaps because of commitments, since we've not seen any pictures of them together on her ​​social status on this date.
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Nora, super seksi me shami muslimane
Ne klipin e fundit "Na" ne bashkepunim me Skivin dhe Mimoza Shkodren, Nora Istrefi eshte paraqitur mjaft provokative duke u mbuluar me shami larte, ndersa poshte me barkun jashte. Ndoshta edhe jo nje veshje tradicionale islame, nese aty ishte qellimi, por nuk ka dyshim, ajo duket super seksi edhe me shami ne koke. Per nje jave, klipi ka arritur me shume se gjysem milioni klikime ne Youtube. Ndryshe, duket sikur ky Shen Valentin e gjeti ate te ndare nga i fejuari Roberti, mesiguri shkaku i angazhimeve, pasi nuk pame asnje foto se bashku me te ne statusin e saj social ne kete date.  /Albaflashnews/

PALOMA Magazine - 15 February 2014

Revista PALOMA - 15 Shkurt 2014

VIP headlines this week by magazine "Paloma" (15 February 2014)

Ilva Tare: I do not have it all, but I'm happy !
Eni Cobani : This sunday's case will leave all albanians opened mouth! The protagonist will be ready to face trial with the public and politics names, involved in this event
Nora Istrefi , provokes naked and with headscarf
Rozana Radi repulsed: Enjoy your life, do not get concerned about my money!
Androniki Kolka that make us company each morning in "Villa 24" : I already won the heart of a man !
Gent Bejko : Here 's backstage of comedy "6 idiots". I - the poorest politician in the country !
Why showbiz couples got "separated" on Saint Valentin? Ciljeta & Thomas; Bleona & Gani , Nora & Robert; Soni & Mirko; Aferdita & Jakub , Erisa &Enea, Angela & Ledri
Big Brother starts on 21 February. Arjan Konomi again columnist of "Big Brother" , this year there is no secrets
Gianni Shqerra presents her girlfriend
Genta Ismajli is not welcomed in  Kosovo !
IN & OUT by Fatma Haxhialiu : Besa & 2po2 , Zamira Kita , Skender Sallaku ( IN) , "A ke cakmak", Tuna ( X Factor ), Genta ( X Factor ) ( OUT )
On Scanner : Do not die without love!
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Titujt kryesore VIP te kesaj jave nga Revista "Paloma" (15 Shkurt 2014)

Ilva Tare: Nuk i kam te gjitha, por jam e lumtur!
Eni Cobani: Rasti i kesaj te diele do t'i lere shqiptaret pa goje! Protagonisti do te jete i gatshem te perballet ne gjyq me emra publike dhe te politikes, te perfshire ne kete ngjarje
Nora Istrefi, provokon e zhveshur dhe me shami ne koke
Revoltohet Rozana Radi: Gezoni jeten tuaj, mos u merrni me leket e mia!
Androniki Kolka qe na ben shoqeri cdo mengjes ne "Vila 24": Tashme e kam fituar zemren e nje mashkulli!
Gent Bejko: Ja prapaskenat e komedise "6 idiotet". Une - politikani me i varfer ne vend!
Pse u "ndane" ciftet e dashuruara te showbizit per Shen Valentin? Ciljeta & Tomas; Bleona & Gani; Nora & Roberti; Soni & Mirko; Aferdita & Jakub; Erisa & Enea; Angela & Ledri
Big Brother fillon me 21 shkurt. Arjan Konomi serish opinionist i "Big Brother", kete vit nuk ka sekrete
Xhani Shqerra zbulon te dashuren
Genta Ismajlin, nuk e duan ne Kosove!
IN&OUT nga Fatma Haxhialiu: Besa & 2po2, Zamira Kita, Skender Sallaku (IN); "A ke cakmak", Tuna (X Factor), Genta (X Factor) (OUT)
Ne SKANER: Vdis pa te te dua!

PANORAMA PLUS Magazine - 15 February 2014

Revista PANORAMA PLUS - 15 Shkurt 2014

VIP headlines this week by magazine "Panorama Plus" (15 February 2014)

Ciljeta flashes her breasts in concert
Revealed the love story between Anaid of "BB" and the 19-year old model
Redon Makashi caught in the company of his former lover. Relationship continues for 20 years ...
Here is how Angela Martini looked before becoming a sex simbol
Orinda Huta: I chose Noizy to return to music, with him I have a guaranteed success
Nora reignites the stage with her underwear
Eli Fara: With Kastriot Tusha, together in St. Valentin
Footballer Hamdi Salihi starts new life in Israel
Gent Bejko: Now you'll see me naked with hands in pockets
Model Tika Camaj divorced from husband after many years of marriage
The director of "Portokalli" Altin Basha nervous in front of photographers
The doctor of "Fiks Fare", among colleagues even outside work
When photoshop cannot do work, Merita Halili beautiful even as 50-years old
Rike of "BB " and Luca enjoy the snow in Chiomonte of Turin
Franceska Jace: Valentine finds me with no lover, I'm not ready for a connection
Hersi Matmuja: I will not opt for Eurovision transformation, I prefer to be 100% myself
Sisters Vjollca make foreign media frenzy
After the 20th anniversary, Mirjeta Shala getting ready to meet Donald Trump
Rita Ora comes to Kosovo, talks that she will bring a song in albanian
Inva Mula, a photo where her 19-years son joins the new family
Dren Abazi celebrates 29th birthday with friends in Patok
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Titujt kryesore VIP te kesaj jave nga Revista "Panorama Plus" (15 Shkurt 2014)

Ciljeta nxjerr gjoksin ne koncert
Zbulohet historia e dashurise mes Anaidit te "BB" dhe modeles 19-vjecare
Redon Makashi kapet ne shoqerine e ish-te dashures. Lidhja vazhdon per 20 vite...
Ja se dukej Angela Martini para se te behej seks-simbol
Orinda Huta: Zgjodha Noizin per t'u rikthyer ne muzike, me te e kam te garantuar suksesin
Nora rindez skenen me te brendshme
Eli Fara: Me Kastriot Tushen, bashke ne Shen Valentin
Futbollisti Hamdi Salihi nis jete te re ne Izrael
Gent Bejko: Tani do me shihni lakuriq me duar ne xhepa
Modelja Tika Camaj divorcohet nga bashkeshorti pas shume vitesh martese
Regjisori i "Portokalli" Altin Basha, nervoz para fotografeve
Doktori i "Fiks Fare", mes kolegesh edhe jashte pune
Kur fotoshopi nuk ben pune, Merita Halili e bukur edhe 50-vjecare
Rike e "BB" dhe Luca shijojne boren ne Chiomonte te Torinos
Franceska Jace: Shen Valentini me gjeti pa te dashur, s'jam gati per nje lidhje
Hersi Matmuja: Ne Eurovizion nuk do te zgjedh transformimin, preferoj te jem 100% une
Motrat Vjollca cmendin mediat e huaja
Pas 20-vjetorit, Mirjeta Shala behet gati per te takuar Donald Trump
Rita Ora vjen ne Kosove, flitet se do te sjelle nje kenge shqip
Inva Mula, fotoja ku familjes se re i bashkohet djali i saj 19-vjecar
Dren Abazi feston 29-vjetorin me shoket ne Patok

BLUETOOTH Magazine - 15 February 2014

Revista BLUETOOTH - 15 Shkurt 2014

VIP headlines this week by magazine "Bluetooth" (15 February 2014)

Minister Erion Veliaj made his mind up, on July 5 wedding with Ajola Xoxa in Gjirokastra
Interview: Besa Kokedhima, the singer of hits. Gains in music, not enough to justify the hard work . Love is fantastic
Genta Ismajli: 14 February at work  here's what I woul not cancel for love. The bombastic artist's story: A book for the 10th career anniversary
Politicians who worship animals
Orinda Huta: I'm returning to music full time
Klodiana Shala, a champion in the service
Tuna to Cozman: You give meaning to my eros
Luana, Rita, Soni and Olta posting photos alone
Gjebrea: My Valentine Day is in September
Angjelina Haderxhonaj and Fatmir Hysenbelliu, the firmato couple of showbiz
Bigu and Vesa, special dedications
Alban Skenderaj and Miriam Cani - Kiss of love
Armina Mevlani, takes bath with petals surprise
Congratulates to Jonida Maliqi "house men", husband Gent and son Dan
Shpat Kasapi, competitor or presenter of " Nights of Videos"?
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Titujt kryesore VIP te kesaj jave nga Revista "Bluetooth" (15 Shkurt 2014)

Ministri Erion Veliaj e ndan mendjen, me 5 korrik dasma me Ajola Xoxen ne Gjirokaster
Intervista; Besa Kokedhima, kengetarja e hiteve. Fitimet ne muzike, jo sa per te justifikuar punen e veshtire. Dashuria eshte fantastike
Genta Ismajli: 14 shkurti ne pune, ja cfare s'do anuloja per te dashurin. Rrefimi i artistes bombastike: Nje liber per 10-vjetorin e karrieres
Politikanet qe adhurojne kafshet
Orinda Huta: Rikthehem ne muzike me kohe te plote
Klodiana Shala, nje kampione ne sherbim
Tuna - Cozmanit: I jep kuptim erosit tim
Luana, Rita, Soni dhe Olta postojne foto vetem
Gjebrea: Diten e dashurise e kam ne shtator
Anxhelina Hadergjonaj dhe Fatmir Hysenbelliu, cifti firmato i showbiz-it
Bigu dhe Vesa, dedikime speciale
Alban Skenderaj dhe Miriam Cani - Puthja e dashurise
Armina Mevlani, merr vaske me petale surprize
Jonida Maliqin e urojne "burrat e shtepise", bashkeshorti Gent dhe i biri Dan
Shpat Kasapi, konkurrent apo prezantues i "Neteve te Klipit"?